Pozvánka na O2 Pražskou štafetu 4x5, novinku v kalendáři akcí RunCzech. Start a cíl pětikilometrových úseků je na Výstavišti, odkud běžci zamíří do zelené oázy klidu. Sestavte čtyřčlennou štafetu firemní, rodinnou nebo složenou z kamarádů a přijďte si užít příjemné odpoledne.
The RunCzech Running League brings together the prestigious Prague races organized by the Prague International Marathon along with the running events in selected regions of the Czech Republic organized by Tempo Team Prague, collectively known as the RunCzech races. These series of runs spanning the whole Czech Republic allows all those involved to combine their passion for running with a love for travel.
During the course of 2014, 69,807 runners from all over the world took part in the RunCzech Running League. Runners participating in competitive races were able to use a special ranking system enabling them to measure their results against other runners in the categories of sex, age, and profession.